Do you want to volunteer for our Rowley Community Patrol?

Excerpt from CPNZ April Briefing: Early in 2020 a group of Rowley women became concerned at the level of disorder in their community. They began to informally patrol their neighbourhood. But how could they grow their numbers, be more effective and keep themselves safe? Evelyn Kenneally, the Manager of the Rowley Resource Centre, approached CPNZ and found a Community Patrol already operated in their area. So their relationship began. Under the auspices of Christchurch South CP, the Rowley Patrollers were trained and equipped so that they could operate with some autonomy in their own area as well as taking part in the wider patrolling activities of Christchurch South.

Now known as Rowley Community Patrol, they have been instrumental in lowering the level of disorder in their own community and have added strength and diversity to the wider Christchurch South Patrol. Tiresa Sio and Julie Ausage who are also locals, are the Rowley/Pacific Liaison for the community, if you require more information about joining or any other enquiry, please let a staff member know at the Centre and your details will be passed to them.